It’s Tuesday and we are two days away from Thanksgiving! As Thanksgiving approaches I’m reminded of the overall reason for the season and that is thankfulness. I was reading today about gratitude and being thankful everyday by counting your blessings and focusing less on the negative. Easier said than done but think about how much happier our days would be if we started by thanking God for all the wonderful blessings we have and having a spirit of gratitude to all we come in contact with.

One quote I heard recently was “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react.” If we can turn a bad attitude around or react positively in a difficult situation we are sure to see a difference in the relationships we have and the life we lead by example.

For Thanskgiving I challenge you to take a moment and share with your loved ones why you are thankful for them. It will brighten their day which will in turn brighten yours.

I wanted to share some faves with you from lately:

Ray Lamontagne with friends :: We had a great time with our friends Abby & Wes going out to dinner at the new Southern National and seeing Ray Lamontagne after. I will say that I wasn’t super impressed with his show but I will always love his music.

All things seasonal : this Pecan and Pumpkin Seed Candle ++ Holiday Spice Flat White makes its return to Starbucks!

Natural Nail Polish :: Ella & Mila is a new to me brand of natural nail polish. Did you know regular nail polish has Formaldehyde in it? Gross.

ATL // my husband and his guys friends decided to go on a hiking trip over the weekend in North GA so I tagged along and stayed with the wives who happen to be my close friends so it all works out 😉

New Things Happening :: Doors have been opening lately and I am so excited to see all that God has in store. I hope this encourages you that He is paving a way even in the hard times.


I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy (early) Thanksgiving!